The Nontraditional Student Organization will celebrate Whitewater’s nontraditional students the week of Nov. 5 through 9. Daily events will be head on campus that students can participate in and enjoy.
The Nontraditional Student Organization advocates for and celebrates the diversity of students who are 25 or older and are currently pursuing their first undergraduate degree.

Senior Cory Tracy, president of Whitewater’s Adult Student Connections, said this group is important to him because it helps out the non-traditional students who have to overcome unique obstacles to get their degrees.
“Nontraditional students may be raising families, working full-time jobs, in the military or other unconventional situations,” Tracy said.
Tracy, a nontraditional student, is in college for a mathematics degree after already having experience in the work world for more than eight years.
Tracy said he is passionate about this group because of the support that the students have for one another.
“We are able to advocate for specific needs that differ from a traditional student,” Tracy said. “As a nontraditional student, you are overcoming barriers that a regular student may not have to go through in order to get your degree.”
There are 835 recognized non-traditional students who attend UW-Whitewater.
The first week of November is recognized as “National Nontraditional Student Week,” according to The Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education. This is the second year the students of Whitewater will celebrate National Nontraditional Student Week.
Events for the non-traditional students to look forward to this week include free pool and bowling, free fitness classes, free food and key speakers.
These activities will take place at the Williams Center, the Down Under and the “Non Trad Pad” located in the University Center.
The speakers for this week are Dr. Lauren Smith, credit for prior learning specialist; Diana Shull, UW-W librarian; and Amanda Krentz, University Health Counseling Services wellness educator.
These speakers will focus on topics that are relevant to nontraditional students. Some of these topics include how to earn college credit for valuable work and life experience, library help and easy meals to cook.
Although this week’s events are designed for nontraditional students, any traditional student is welcome to come listen to the speakers, Tracy said.

Lynn Smith, student services coordinator for adult/nontraditional students, said this week is important because it provides a celebration and recognition of the achievements for the adult students.
Smith’s responsibility is to organize the week’s events based on input gathered from the nontraditional students and school initiatives.
Smith said she is happy to serve and work for the group because of the dedication these students have toward their education.
“The story of every individual who returns to school as an adult is unique, yet they share common challenges while successfully managing school, work and family,” Smith said.
Both Smith and Tracy have worked together to make this week successful and special for the nontraditional students on campus. They said the students are excited and are looking forward to the week’s various events.
The nontraditional students have weekly meetings and put together various socials such as potlucks, guest speakers and participation in school functions.
To learn more about the non-traditional students on campus, look for the booth in the University Center Concourse on Nov. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Nontraditional student week events
Nov. 7
- Free pool and bowling from 8 a.m. to midnight at the Warhawk Alley.
- Free fitness class at the Williams Center.
- Lunch Box Series from noon to 1 p.m. Amanda Krentz from the UHCS will share quick and easy meals and kid-friendly recipes that can be made on a tight schedule.
- Soup’s On from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Non Trad Pad (UC 133).
Nov. 8
- Free pool and bowling from 8 a.m. to midnight at the Warhawk Alley.
- Free fitness class at the Williams Center.
- Who are our Non Trads? Stop by and learn facts about Non Trad students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the University Center Concourse.
- Non Trad Student recognition reception from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. in UC68B.
Nov. 9
- Free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the Non Trad Pad from 8 to 9:30 a.m.
- Free pool and bowling from 8 a.m. to midnight at the Warhawk Alley.
- Free fitness class at the Williams Center.
- Free family swim from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Williams Center. Register by emailing Lynn at [email protected].