With the holiday season upon us, many students look forward to family gatherings, stuffed stockings, caroling, decorating trees, eating baked goodies and most importantly, no classes.
Get in the holiday spirit, and check out some of these local celebrations before heading home for the holidays.
Join Santa Claus and his elves for a delicious breakfast in Esker Dining Hall on Dec. 8 from 8 to 11 a.m. This event is open to everyone and costs $4 for adults.
Young Auditorium will present “A Leahy Family Christmas” at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 8 in the Young Auditorium.
The Leahy family is a group of Canadian brothers and sisters who sing, dance and play Christmas carols. The Leahy siblings have won many awards for their original music and creative dance moves.
The dance performance “The Nutcracker” will be at 2 and 7 p.m. on Dec. 15 in the Young Auditorium. Tickets for students are $14.
Late Night Skate at Janesville Ice Arena is held every Friday in December from 9:30-10:30 p.m.
Janesville will have its annual Holiday Magic celebration on Dec. 16 from 3 to 8 p.m.
This event consists of live reindeer, carriage rides, a magic show, cookie decorating, a visit from Santa Claus and fireworks to end the night.
Although people may celebrate differently, the holidays are a great time to relax and take a break from your daily routine.
With all these festivities to attend, many students are ready to get their celebrations underway.
UW-Whitewater students get into the holiday spirit by sharing some of their favorite memories, family traditions and gifts from over the years. See what they have to say below.
What are you most looking forward to for the holidays?

“I’m looking forward to the food coma I get after eating a big Christmas dinner.”
– Luke Robbe, senior

“I live far away, so I’m excited to see my family and be able to hang out with them.”
– Lydia Kopras, sophomore

“My family plays bingo every year, and we have a tradition of doing scratch-off cards too.”
– Brooke Friess, junior
What’s your favorite holiday memory?

“I received the board game Rat Trap one year. It’s one of my favorite old-school games.”
– Brandon Schowalter, junior

“One year my mom woke me up at 3 in the morning and took me to my grandma’s house. Santa Claus had been there so we got to open presents.”
– Amber Nesmith, senior

“My favorite memory was getting my teacup pig named Pickles.”
– Samantha Casper, junior
What holiday traditions does your family partake in?

“My family and I cut down our own Christmas tree every year. It’s always been a fun tradition.”
– Geoffrey Sackett, senior

“My family goes to my grandmother’s house every year, and we make tamales with everybody. We start at 9 in the morning and make them all day.”
-Sara Samarzja, senior

“Every year we watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ when opening presents.”
– Tim Janikowski, sophomore