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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Attorney Angela Knight

How do I file an action in small claims court?

Angela Knight, Contributor September 18, 2022

In 2021, more than 5,000 cases landed in small claims court in Wisconsin, a special court where a plaintiff can seek money judgments against a defendant if the amount claimed is less than $10,000. Examples...

Goldenrod and more bridges

Goldenrod and more bridges

Chris Hardie, Contributor September 11, 2022

It’s tempting to proclaim the lawn and garden season over as we creep closer to fall, but the work remains even after the growing season ends. Certain chores have already been suspended – like weeding...

A new canvass: Determining the future of Milwaukee’s Charles Allis and Villa Terrace

A new canvass: Determining the future of Milwaukee’s Charles Allis and Villa Terrace

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor September 11, 2022

Weekly Fiscal Facts are provided to Wisconsin Newspaper Association members by the Wisconsin Policy Forum, the state’s leading resource for nonpartisan state and local government research and civic...

Giant puffballs are common in the late summer and fall. They turn brown as the spores start to dry.

Threads of late summer

Chris Hardie, Contributor September 5, 2022

Even in a divisive world that will become even more so between now and the November election, there’s always room for a little kindness. After writing about the recent death of our beloved Labrador...

Fewer students of color take advanced placement exams

Fewer students of color take advanced placement exams

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor September 4, 2022

Enrolling in Advanced Placement courses can be an important step in preparing for college success. But to realize the full benefits, students must take and score well on Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Among...

What does April hail showers bring?

Early planting always a challenge

Chris Hardie, Contributor May 1, 2022

Our topsy-turvy spring weather so far this year has not inspired ambitions of gardening, but the show must go on. At least that’s what my wife Sherry told me recently when she decided it was time...

Despite massive influx, Wisconsin lagged most states in pandemic aid

Despite massive influx, Wisconsin lagged most states in pandemic aid

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor May 1, 2022

While unprecedented levels of federal pandemic relief have swept into Wisconsin since 2020, the combined aid to its state and local governments ranks in the bottom 10 states when measured as a share of...

Student financial aid in Wisconsin is doing less to keep college affordable

Student financial aid in Wisconsin is doing less to keep college affordable

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor April 24, 2022

Total state financial aid to college and university students in Wisconsin has lagged or declined in the last decade, leaving students to shoulder more of the cost of education – and undermining a tool...

Back Home by Chris Hardie

The disappearing work ethic

Chris Hardie, Contributer April 24, 2022

I was having a conversation recently with a crop farmer who remarked that she was enjoying the calm before the storm. It was early April and in just a few days she and her husband would be busy with...

Chris Hardie drills into a maple tree before setting the spile.

Maple season brings back sweet memory

Chris Hardie, Contributor April 17, 2022

Moving back to the country 16 years ago brought me back to many tasks and chores I experienced as a farm kid, but it also gave us the chance to try some new activities. One of them was raising pigs...

Working from home puts the brakes on weekday traffic

Working from home puts the brakes on weekday traffic

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor April 17, 2022

After the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically decreased traffic on Wisconsin’s roads, weekend traffic now has largely returned to near pre-pandemic levels. But weekday traffic, a much greater part of the...

Roaring state economy presents some worries in labor, housing markets

Roaring state economy presents some worries in labor, housing markets, Contributor April 10, 2022

Two reports from the University of Wisconsin highlight the good and potential bad of the state’s currently roaring economy. The mixed outlook reflects similar worries on the national level. One...

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Founded 1901