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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Facebook goes to Washington

Facebook goes to Washington

Garrett Kluever, Biz & Tech Editor April 9, 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify on to the Senate and House next week on Tuesday, April 10 and Wednesday, April 11. Zuckerberg will appear in front of the Senate judiciary and the commerce...

Far Cry 5 gameplay disputes former critics

Far Cry 5 gameplay disputes former critics

Garrett Kluever, Biz & Tech Editor April 9, 2018

Before it received a 9/10 from GameSpot and 8.9/10 from, Far Cry 5 was muddled in controversy because of its story. After its release however, that criticism may have been misguided. Far Cry...

Taxes are in season with VITA

Taxes are in season with VITA

Garrett Kluever, Biz and tech Editor February 6, 2018

Death and taxes are certainties in life. While death is inevitable, struggling through your taxes doesn’t have to be. As in previous years, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) will run the VITA (Volunteer...

Top Stories for the Week of November 30th!

November 29, 2016

Take a sneak peek of this week's top stories of the Royal Purple. They will really fascinate you!

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Founded 1901