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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple


Bands “rock” to benefit charities

March 6, 2013

  UW-Whitewater’s student organization Peace, Education, and Action through Creative Engagement will hold on their annual benefit concert, Rock for Peace, from 4 to 10 p.m. on March 7 in Jitters,...

Knowing when to draw the line

November 14, 2012
The dangers binge drinking inflicts on UW-W students

Obama visits Milwaukee

October 3, 2012

President Barack Obama, who visited Milwaukee last Saturday, delivered a campaign re-election speech touching on the economy, creating jobs and improving education. Joseph Bucklley from Racine, Wis.,...

Student teaching at UW-W can be tough on students

October 26, 2011

Many of our fields of study have graduation requirements that go beyond sustaining a certain GPA and attaining credits. Whether it is community service hours, a writing requirement or student teaching,...

Waldorf school system shouldn’t neglect teaching with technology

October 26, 2011

An article by Matt Richtel in the New York Times said about 160 schools in the Waldorf system around the country are preaching physical activity and hands-on learning. These schools also ban technology...

Civilization: a product of education and experience

March 11, 2011
If you think semis or planes are large vehicles, try steering the state of Wisconsin. To do so would take a serious education, showing the driver is able to make the best decision possible, keeping the people in mind.

Education cuts bad for Wisconsin

March 11, 2011
Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal will affect numerous aspects of Wisconsinites’ lives including one UW-Whitewater holds near and dear to it’s heart: Education. With a strong education program at UW-Whitewater, students might fear they will see the students they will one day teach face struggles in the upcoming years.

College degree should be priority

November 22, 2010
In America, having a college education is important. You’ll typically make more money than a person who did not graduate from college. You’ll typically get selected for jobs over someone who did not earn a bachelor’s degree. But from a pure educational standpoint, is it even necessary to have a college education to hold a prestigious job? In Wisconsin, it appears its citizens do not feel a college degree is needed in order to be the leader of this state.
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Founded 1901