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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

White Hall, located along Starin Road by the Visitor Center, will soon be home to a food pantry. The initiative will help prevent food insecurity and will be open for students to drop off or pick up food items as needed.

Thumbs up to campus food pantry initiative

Royal Purple, Editorial Staff Opinion March 18, 2018

When thinking of hunger and who it impacts most, our minds often drift to populations who are more vulnerable – children, the elderly, those living below the poverty line. As a society, we often forget...

'People should not feel ashamed'

‘People should not feel ashamed’

Brad Allen, Managing Editor January 29, 2018

Overcoming an eating disorder is a more complicated issue than some people might think. Thankfully, an upcoming event on campus can educate and enlighten students on the matter. Speaker and author Ryan...

Difficult dining decisions

December 5, 2012
According to United Press International, the average American eats out four to five times per week. As the semester draws to a close, students will be frantically scrambling to complete their assignments and study for exams. Staying awake through it all will be the biggest challenge, but man cannot live on caffeine alone.

Whitewater welcomes winter holidays

December 5, 2012

  With the holiday season upon us, many students look forward to family gatherings, stuffed stockings, caroling, decorating trees, eating baked goodies and most importantly, no classes. Get...

Hunger Games comes to campus

November 7, 2012

  Happy Hunger Games! This Thanksgiving season, UW-Whitewater residence halls will be competing in the “Whitewater Hunger Games.” Though there will be no fighting to the death in this...

Noted nutritionist discusses ‘obesity wars’

March 21, 2012
Dr. Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, spoke to students and community members March 13 with her lecture, “Obesity Wars: the Food Industry versus Public Health.”

Eat this! crêpes

April 27, 2011

Ingredients 2 beaten eggs 1 ½ cups milk 1 cup flour ¼ tspn. salt 1 tbsp. cooking oil Directions 1. Beat all ingredients until combined 2. Heat lightly oiled 6-inch skillet on medium-high 3....

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Founded 1901