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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Org supports students during holiday season

Org supports students during holiday season

Emily Lepkowski, News Editor December 14, 2016

For some students, going home for the holidays means comfort and relaxation. But for others it may not be the case. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students (LGBT*) may have a difficult time celebrating...

College love: only a swipe away?

February 9, 2016

By Kimberly Wethal Feb. 10, 2016 The pressure’s on. Walmart’s aisles have transformed from the leftover holiday misfit toys to pink and red boxes of chocolate and teddy bears holding hearts with...

Ally Open House aims to build bridges

September 23, 2015

By Sidney Birkett Sept. 22, 2015 PRIDE Center Intern Sam Azzaro believes UW-Whitewater students are not only supportive allies to fellow LGBTQA peers, but to one another as a whole. This was the...

Panelists discuss marriage equality

April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 By Brad Allen The long-debated issue of marriage equality was discussed in the Marriage Equality Roundtable Discussion Panel on Wednesday, April 8 at noon in the UC room 259. The panel...

Org makes IMPACT: UW-Whitewater LGBT* & Allies organization hosts 6th Anual Drag Show, participates in Pride Week

April 1, 2015

  April 1, 2015 By Alexandria Zamecnik     When host of the 6th Annual UW-Whitewater Drag Show, Vivian Storm, announced the first performer to the catwalk, timid cheers...

UW-W will see gender-free bathrooms in future

October 16, 2014

Oct. 15, 2014 By Alexandria Zamecnik Imagine if every time you had to use the restroom, you felt fear over which bathroom you would choose, the male or the female. This is a reality transgender students...

Students tell stories of coming out

Students tell stories of coming out

October 16, 2014

By Ethan Hill   A group of students assembled on the lawn in front of the UC to celebrate “Coming Out Day.”  Equipped with a podium, microphone, speakers and a goal to raise awareness and...

Starin Hall to offer gender-neutral housing

April 2, 2014

By Josh Hafemeister April 2, 2014     Of all of the colleges and universities across the nation, only 149 colleges offer a gender-neutral housing option for members of the LGBT community,...

UW-Whitewater IMPACT hosts fifth annual Drag Show

UW-Whitewater IMPACT hosts fifth annual Drag Show

April 2, 2014

By Michael Riley April 2, 2014   Drag queen Kandi Barr asked the audience members to raise their hands if they had never been to a Drag Show before. “Look at all the virgins,” Barr...

Film raises gay rights awareness

Film raises gay rights awareness

March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014   By Thomas Zimmer   As part of this year’s International Week, The Center for Global Education teamed up with PRIDE and IMPACT to screen “Born This Way” on Feb....

Anti-bullying is focus of ‘It Gets Better’

Anti-bullying is focus of ‘It Gets Better’

November 6, 2013

By Abrielle Backhaus   Bullying is one of the most challenging concerns among youth and young adults today. UW-Whitewater will welcome the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles and the It Gets Better...

Mai Yer Yang and Junior Shavaughn Lawson work at the Warhawk Connection Center desk behind the computer lab near Career and Leadership Development. The Connection Center provides resources for student organizations on campus.

Connection Center assists organizations

October 1, 2013

By Lea Staedtler   New and returning students will be happy to find a new resource center on campus. The Warhawk Connection Center (WCC) added a new front desk to the former open space shortly...

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Founded 1901