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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

To live life as a homosexual

March 11, 2011
Have you ever been afraid of who you are? Have you ever been afraid to let people know about yourself? Have you ever woken up afraid to go out in public? I have, and sometimes still am.

Dancescapes returns with four performances

March 9, 2011

Performance will feature pieces choreographed by students, faculty and guest artists Creativity. Inspiration. Movement. Music. According to the Theatre/Dance Department website, these four aspects...

IMPACT drag show returns to campus after success last year

March 9, 2011

Last year’s smash hit student event, the IMPACT Drag Show, returns to UW-Whitewater at 9 p.m. Thursday. The Mardi Gras themed show, featuring both UW-Whitewater students and professional drag...

Chin’s poetry will share her struggles

March 9, 2011

Spoken word artist performs tonight in UC Staceyann Chin, a spoken word poet, featured on television shows such as 60 Minutes and The Oprah Winfrey Show, will perform at 7 p.m. today in the University...

Rodriguez ready to perform comedy routine in Down Under

March 9, 2011

Miami native, former model, now focused on career as  actor, comedian “I look forward to connecting with you so long as you are not allergic to the truth, have sissy like tendencies, and need your...

The constant Gardner: playing hard to get

March 9, 2011

This week, I’m going to take a step out of the sex writing role. I’d like to extend the topics I will cover in this column to the things both sexes should or shouldn’t do in a relationship. I...

The constant Gardner: sex in new places

March 3, 2011

Whether you are in a relationship or are just seeing someone for the fun of it, the sexual experience is remarkably important to the enjoyment one can share with his or her partner. There are many...

Pop rock band makes debut on campus

March 2, 2011
Florida-native acoustic pop rock band Augustine is on a national college campus tour. Next stop, UW-Whitewater. The band will perform a free concert at 8 p.m. Thursday at the University Center’s Down Under.

Hart enjoys playing flute, sharing passion with others

March 2, 2011
As spring nears, the time is now to get out and see a musical performance. Listening to the light and blissful melodies of the flute will help you transition into the upcoming seasons of warmth and serene nature. At 7:30 p.m. Sunday, junior Nancy Hart will be taking the stage at the Light Recital Hall for her flute performance.

“Studio 84” host public workshop inspired by work of Poe

March 2, 2011
Studio 84 is collaborating with the Young Auditorium’s Edgar Allan Poe poetry reading event by holding a workshop, from 12 - 4 p.m. on Saturday, that involves creating mono prints relating to Poe’s work.

Ceramic exhibition spans centuries

March 2, 2011
From Feb. 21 until March 8, a series of ceramics dating from 7,000 B.C. until as recent as the early 20th century will be on display at the Crossman Gallery in the Greenhill Center of the Arts.
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Founded 1901
Royal Purple