UHCS opens new relaxation room for all
The relaxation room is a spot on campus equipped with comfy chairs, a stereo, blankets and optional light therapy session to keep students safe from stress.
September 24, 2019
The start of school can be known for bringing about unwanted ailments. Fortunately, here at UW-Whitewater there is an entire department focused on the mental and physical health of our students, faculty and staff.
University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) implemented a relaxation room in the Ambrose Health Center that is free to use by scheduling a 30 to 60 minute appointment. If there are no upcoming appointments, students can walk right in. There are a multitude of different tools for relaxation room users to ensure comfort.
“It has really allowed for students, faculty and staff to come on in. if they just want a half-hour to an hour in a safe area, they can go take a nap in there. We have weighted blankets, essential oils, diffusers, coloring books and light therapy,” said Hannah Foley, the Wellness Educator at UHCS.
Counseling services has full-time staff during the school year and each specialist has a masters degree ,or higher, of schooling. For appointments, students can walk right in if assistance is immediately needed. If students don’t want to get help in person, the staff recommends using apps that focus on destressing – such as Headspace – to help.
“I thought it was super beneficial, everyone there is super nice,” said Sarah Snopek, a UW-Whitewater sophomore that has used the UHCS services repeatedly over her time on campus. “I would definitely recommend it, I still use it. I used it all last year and this year so far.”
Snopek also urged students that are uneasy about receiving counseling to bring someone along that they trust. A close friend, or in her case, her dorm resident assistant.
As far as physical health goes, UHCS is currently providing flu shot clinics on campus. The staff actually go to locations around campus and give students, faculty and staff flu shots. It is $10 for students and $15 for staff. The shot also comes with a free cold care kit.
In the near future the UHCS is also sponsoring one event dealing directly with mental health. “Send Silence Packing” is a suicide awareness and prevention event set to take place on October 8.
“This is going to be a one-time unique opportunity for our campus,” Fischer said. “It includes over 1000-plus backpacks that are going to be scattered on the UC mall for a full day on October eighth and each backpack has a survivor story attached to it.”
University Health and Counseling Services is located in the Ambrose Health Center right on the corner of Prairie Street and Starin Road.