Easy ways to give and receive necessities during the holidays

Morgan Guenther

Different Campbell’s cans line a shelf at the Warhawk Food Pantry in Drumlin Hall on Oct. 20, 2021.

Cennedy Hoppe, Business & Technology Editor

Whitewater is home to many different options to better your sustainment needs. Whether it be more accessible ways to get groceries or ways to give back to your community. Especially with the holidays just around the corner, it is easier to know your options. 

Instacart is an organization founded in June of 2012, that makes it easier for residents of cities from around the U.S. to shop for groceries. Recently on Oct. 13, 2021, Instacart expanded their services to the residents in the City of Whitewater. This service offers delivery and pickup options for retail needs. Some of the retail options include Woodman’s Food Market, Festival Foods, Best Buy, Target, and many more. Anyone can go onto Instacarts website, www.instacart.com, and enter in their address or area code, and the retail options will be generated based on your needs. You can buy anything from groceries to pharmaceuticals. This is a very simple and easy way to obtain the things you need without the hassle of busy stores, perfect for the upcoming holiday season.

“I became a resident of the city and I wanted to know firsthand what obstacles the city had. I also wanted to find the best way to provide the community with what they need.” Economic Development Director, Cathy Anderson, speaks about her moving to Whitewater and wants to make it easier for every citizen to get what they need out of their community. To learn more about Instacart in Whitewater contact Kristin Mickelson at [email protected].

Giving back to your community is such an important thing that is recognized around the holiday season. On the Whitewater campus there is a food pantry where you can donate or use. The Warhawk Food Pantry is a safe environment made for the students on campus and is run by the pantry coordinator, Fabiola Aranda, and also by student assistants and volunteers. 

It was established in 2018 and it is made to be a place not only for food, but for everyday needs. They stock food items as well as toiletries, school supplies, and much more. The pantry also has more resource information for community resources as well. It is represented by Student Affairs, The University Center, the Sustainability Office, and many others. 

Warhawk Food Pantry is located under Drumlin Dining hall in room 143 and is open to the public Tue.-Wed. 2pm-5pm, or by appointment. They accept donations at any time and the bins are located in the University Center at the Information Services Desk on the first floor. The pantry is open to one and all, they don’t ask any students to declare income or any other information. It is there simply for the students to use.