The benefits of becoming a journalist
October 2, 2022

“From my perspective as a newspaper reporter, you learn a lot about the community you cover when you work for a daily newspaper like the Beloit Daily News and Janesville Gazette (the two papers I write for). I personally have made a lot of relationships with my sources and you learn more about the community as a whole and what they want to read more about. I’ve learned to turn around stories as fast as possible for a daily newspaper and to talk with my colleagues and editors a lot when I have a question. The skills I learned have been very beneficial to my career.” – Journalist Sara Myers

“It can help you in a lot of ways. It can help you learn how to communicate with others, learn new ways of writing and reading. Also the unique styles of how other people write and how other people speak and communicate. Just kind of makes you sound more intelligent and helps people trust you when you sound more credible when you know how to do these things better.” – Journalism Major Kreston Reynolds