Gov. Scott Walker was at Generac Power Systems in Whitewater this morning where CEO Aaron Jagdfeld announced the creation of more than 400 jobs over the next year.

Most of the new jobs, from entry level to management, will be in Whitewater, Waukesha, and Eagle. The others will be at Magnum Products in Berlin, Wis.
“The people at Generac have made a commitment and we’re just pleased to highlight that,” Walker said.
To fill the new positions, the company is holding an engineer job fair from 5:30 – 8 p.m. Wednesday at the company’s Waukesha headquarters, located at S45 W29290 Highway 59.
“For us to be competitive, we got to have great workers in this state, with a great Midwestern work ethic,” Walker said. “The kind of people who show up early on a Monday and work [hard] until the end of the day on Friday. That gives us a competitive advantage globally.”
For a full story on Walker’s visit, pick up a copy of the Royal Purple this Wednesday.