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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Senior readies for recital

Senior readies for recital

October 2, 2013

Tom Johnstone performs, composes and arranges music: By Nat Edson   Tom Johnstone is a senior set to graduate in May next year. As part of his degree, he will perform a student recital,...

Investing in entrepreneurs

Investing in entrepreneurs

March 13, 2013
Student Chamber of Commerce to provide micro-loans

Whitewater welcomes winter holidays

December 5, 2012

  With the holiday season upon us, many students look forward to family gatherings, stuffed stockings, caroling, decorating trees, eating baked goodies and most importantly, no classes. Get...

Knowing when to draw the line

November 14, 2012
The dangers binge drinking inflicts on UW-W students

Non-traditional students celebrate their journeys

November 7, 2012

  The Nontraditional Student Organization will celebrate  Whitewater’s nontraditional students  the week of Nov. 5 through 9. Daily events will be head on campus that students can participate...

Get to know your campus RAs

October 3, 2012

  Resident Assistants are a major aspect of dorm life. They manage dozens of students, run floor meetings, and plan frequent floor get togethers. Get to know these four RAs and the lives they lead...

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Founded 1901