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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

A trio of students gather around the Fastenal booth to ask questions and listen to the speaker, February 12, 2025.

Students network in snowstorm

Josh Stoughton, Managing Editor February 16, 2025

Every student that goes to college has one common goal: to find a job after graduation. One way that colleges prepare students is by hosting a career fair, inviting students to meet employers and network. The...

Campus photographer Chris Schreiner takes the photo of Graduate Jaden Nickelsen, hired for a Land Management position, Nov. 3 2024.

Straight into the workforce

Riley Crowe, Campus Journalist December 8, 2024

Students hired before their graduation had the opportunity to have professional headshots taken in the University Center on Nov. 2 and 3. Any student who was hired, interning or moving on to graduate school...

Getting down to business

Getting down to business

Scout Springgate, Managing Editor September 24, 2019

The Whitewater Business Park offers students and fellow citizens internships and full-time jobs through the park’s various industries. The 540 acre business park is one of the largest office and industrial...

Tips for landing that job

Hannah Schultz, Staff Reporter December 7, 2017

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will be holding the Fall 2017 graduation commencement on Saturday, December 16. College graduation marks the completion of a long journey through education. Students...

Five things employers look for

November 6, 2013

By Rumasa Noor Getting a job in this economy can be incredibly difficult, especially with rising competition. Employers are more demanding about what they want from the new hires. It is important for...

On campus jobs beneficial for students

On campus jobs beneficial for students

September 18, 2013

There it is, that thing you don’t want to talk about. You’re too busy having fun in college to worry about it, yet there it is. You don’t want to deal with it, yet you need it: A job. Whether it’s...

Work study overlooks qualified students

October 10, 2012
With the rising cost of college tuition, many students rely on Financial Aid and money saved up by working to pay for their education.

Obama visits Milwaukee

October 3, 2012

President Barack Obama, who visited Milwaukee last Saturday, delivered a campaign re-election speech touching on the economy, creating jobs and improving education. Joseph Bucklley from Racine, Wis.,...

Sales Institute to bring jobs to campus

September 26, 2012
When asked what the Sales Institute of Excellence will offer students, Professor of Marketing James Pletier spelled it out, “J-O-B-S.” Since its approval in February, the Institute has established certification programs in collaboration with almost 20 companies, which want students to fill jobs and internships.

How to use social media to land a job

March 7, 2012
UW-Whitewater graduate speaks from experience as social media coordinator.

Gov. Walker speaks in Whitewater about the 400 jobs Generac created

November 8, 2011
Generac Power Systems announced the creation of 400 jobs within the next year on Monday. Gov. Scott Walker joined CEO Aaron Jagdfeld for the announcement at the Whitewater plant.
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Founded 1901