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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Band competitors cross Warhawk Drive for the Wisconsin School Music Association State Competition held in Whitewater, Saturday Afternoon, Oct.16, 2021.

State Marching Band Championships take over campus

Brian Gale, Arts & Recreation Journalist October 17, 2021

There's a whistling in the wind around the UW-Whitewater campus, and its not from the spirits that surround Second Salem. The 36th annual Wisconsin High School Marching Band Championships took place at...

Jazz One Ensemble pictured taking a bow at the end of their concert on Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Bringing jazz back to life

Sydney Wojcik, Assistant Editor of Arts and Recreation October 17, 2021

The pandemic may have stopped live music for a beat, but on Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. the UW-Whitewater Jazz One Ensemble and world famous guest artist Robert Hurst showed the audience that jazz is alive and...

The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra performs at the Young Auditorium Saturday, Oct. 2.

Young Auditorium kicks off ‘fabulous’ season

Peyton Rollins, Arts & Recreation Editor October 3, 2021

The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra came to perform at the Young Auditorium Saturday, Oct. 2 to kick off the show season for Whitewater. Due to the weather, the orchestra was moved inside and the performance...

Noa Even and Phil Pierick, a saxophone ensemble, performed for the public on Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Light Recital Hall.

Back on the beat

Sydney Wojcik, Assistant Editor of Arts and Recreation October 3, 2021

Noa Even and Phil Pierick, the professional saxophonists who make up the world-renowned ensemble, “Ogni Suono” performed live at Light Recital Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. Even and Pierick...

Bravo! A brilliant ending to 26 years of instruction

Bravo! A brilliant ending to 26 years of instruction

Alicia Dougherty, Editor September 19, 2021

The sound of music soared through the air at the Light Recital Hall as Dr. MyungHee Chung gave her final performance as piano professor and keyboard coordinator at UW-Whitewater after a 26 year career...

The Piper Spring Road Band performed at new Frawley Family Amphitheater at Cravath Lakefront Park in Whitewater from Aug. 17th

Community comes together in the park

Dauntae Green, Managing Editor September 5, 2021

There were a series of events provided entertainment over the summer at Cravath Lakefront Amphitheater for all that attended. Soon they will have their last two concerts in the park events while being...

Mary Cottle happily holds up the beers in her tent at the Whitewater city market, Tuesday evening, August 24th.

Seniors in the Park turns 40

Dauntae Green, Managing Editor August 29, 2021

There was an Elvis Presley sighting at the Cravath Lakefront Amphitheater in Whitewater Tuesday, Aug. 24, but the sideburns didn't quite match.  It turned out to be Tony Rocker, the award-winning Elvis...

Shannon Dozoryst, Director of Young Auditorium, is excited to announce that this 2020 fall season will be safely hosted online with live concerts, Broadway content, and free weekly performances!

Young Auditorium starts digital fall season

Lizzy Rost, Arts and Recreational Editor September 27, 2020

Pianists Josh Dupont and Chris Lange held a live duel Sept. 25 online from Madison, launching the start of Young Auditorium's digital fall season with "Piano Fondue."  The interactive show let the...

Music professor Benjamin Whitcomb performs “Bach Suites for Cello” by Johann Sebastian Bach at the UW-Whitewater Innovation Center on Friday, Sept. 18.

There’s music in the air

Lizzy Rost, Arts and Recreational Editor September 20, 2020

Music professor Benjamin Whitcomb and lecturer of art and design Bethann Moran-Handzlik performed “Bach Suites for Cello” from 10-11:30 a.m. outside the UW-Whitewater Innovation Center Sept. 18 in...

The UW-Whitewater’s Vocal Jazz ensemble used this equipment for years, indoors. However, now the Choir uses the Mixers, wireless microphone receiver, and a FM transmitter for parking lot rehearsals. The FM transmitter is on the windowsill near the bottom.

Choir practice in the car

Lizzy Rost, Arts and Recreational Editor September 13, 2020

UW-Whitewater’s choir students dedicate themselves to music. And in a pandemic those students persevere with creative practices that allow for social distancing.  This semester they practice in the...

College of Arts and Communication Dean Eileen M. Hayes is an ethnomusicologist with expertise in race and gender in the music of U.S. social movements.

The show must go on

Lizzy Rost, Arts & Recreation Editor August 31, 2020

The show will go on for the Greenhill Center of the Arts this fall despite the inability to host in-person experiences. Performers will step out of the spotlight and into people’s homes through online...

Clay Johnson and Jeremy Davis perform alongside        other members of The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra at their    concert Monday, Oct. 7 in the Young Auditorium.

Orchestra lights up theater

Danielle Kronau, Assistant Arts & Rec Editor October 14, 2019

The entire stage of the Young Auditorium glowed with vibrant colors of lights, humor and musical artistry for attendees of The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra concert Monday, Oct. 7. The show started with...

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Founded 1901