Journalism student speaks on national panel
‘Disability in the Newsroom’
Journalism student and freelance photographer Evan Halpop shoots for Intercollegiate Athletics, Royal Purple, Milwaukee Admirals and other organizations while he finishes his degree at UW-Whitewater.
October 10, 2021
The National Press Photographers Association and National Center on Disability and Journalism convened for a live discussion panel Oct. 6 featuring UW-W journalism student Evan Halpop. Journalists with disabilities from around the country were able to come together and discuss their own personal stories, perspectives and opinions on the journalism industry and its treatment disabled journalists for a national audience.
The panel consisted of reporting fellow Amanda Morris from the New York Times; health journalist and manager of Americans with Disabilities Act compliance program for Sutter Health Peninsula Coastal Region of Southern California Yomi Wrong; CNN photojournalist David Allbritton; photojournalist Linda Tirado; freelance journalist and UW-W student Evan Halpop; and Ari Golub, student journalist at George Washington University; among many others.
Viewers over WebEx were invited to ask questions to panelists through the chat throughout the meeting. The meeting was facilitated by Executive Director of the National Center on Disability Journalism Kristen Gilger, who asked the questions posted in the chat.
One question from viewers asked, “Can any of you provide a good example of an accommodation that a supportive employer, or supervisor has given you that made a huge difference?”

UW-Whitewater journalism student, Evan Halpop quickly raised his hand to provide an answer.
“My supervisor in the athletics department, Chris Lindeke, he is awesome!” said Halpop. “He just trusts me because he sees the work and he knows I will get it done.”
Halpop said that once he graduates he hopes to have a job in the future that challenges him, but also gives him accommodations when necessary.
A common theme throughout the meeting was being able to navigate through the world as a journalist needing accommodations in an often demanding job, and knowing when the right time to disclose your disability to an employer. Halpop again chimed in.
“For me personally, I disclose almost 100 percent of the time because it is a good way to root out the wrong choices for an employer. Because if it’s not a good fit, I will certainly know by how they react to certain things. I kind of use that as a testing tool to see how they react to that.”
Halpop said employer reactions to his disability have been difficult so far, but he hasn’t given up hope for landing that dream job.
To learn more about Evan Halpop’s journey in journalism visit