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Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Vos pressured as election audits gain momentum within GOP

Vos pressured as election audits gain momentum within GOP

by September 5, 2021

More than half of the state’s county Republican parties have formally called for a “cyber forensic audit” of the 2020 elections. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, is using the same language...

GOP tax bill will burden lower and middle class families

Royal Purple Editorial Staff, Staff December 7, 2017

 The tax plan that passed through the U.S. Senate last Saturday will not save American citizens an extra $4,000, as promised. Instead it will cost many of us in the long-run through increasing taxes...

Eric Thayer, The New York Times

Too dangerous for planes, but not for your rights

June 16, 2016

The ‘no-fly,’ FBI watch lists needs legislation behind it Kimberly Wethal June 16, 2016   “And yes, if you’re too dangerous to get on a plane, you are too dangerous to buy...

kimberly wethal

Life after Bernie

June 15, 2016

Third-party alternatives worth considerating   Dusty Hartl June 15, 2016 If you are like me, a “Bernie Bro,” then you must be having a hard time in this primary. With Sen....

Trump’s campaign demonstrates “red flags”

April 5, 2016

April 5, 2016 Donald Trump’s TV makeup might paint him orange, but the warning flags I got from his Janesville rally were red. It took his campaign five days to get Royal Purple Photo Editor Amber...

Trump antics reflect negative campus climate

March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016 For college students, the presidential    campaign seems like a far-off land where a rich bigot and two career politicians are in a street brawl for the GOP nomination, and the two Democratic...

Wisconsin ‘votes blue’ for sixth consecutive time

November 12, 2012

  GOP regains control of state Senate, now  has control of entire state government:   It is finally safe to watch television, listen to the radio and drive down the interstate without...

Judgment on Walker should wait until 2014

April 5, 2012

The recall against Gov. Scott Walker has some of Wisconsin’s and America’s core principles at stake. When you elect an official, you’re stuck with them. Sometimes it’s a harsh and unfortunate...

New voter ID bill is great for all Wisconsin voters

November 9, 2011

The state legislature recently passed a bill that will require all registered voters to present a photo I.D. at the polls. The bill also says that voters cannot register on election day but instead must...

Has Mitt Romney hit his ceiling?

October 26, 2011

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts is running for president for the second consecutive election. After losing the GOP nomination in 2008 to John McCain, Romney appears to be the front runner this...

Herman Cain: The man who caught fire, not GOP ‘flavor of the month’

October 12, 2011

With the GOP presidential primary election not far off, there are a plethora of candidates campaigning to be the GOP’s presidential nominee. At first glance, the candidates seem to blend together:...

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