Campus Assistants are an asset when it comes to bringing in new Warhawks. They give tours to prospective students and are known for walking backward in purple coats. Get to know these four CAs and the lives they lead outside of giving campus tours.

Kelley Agnew
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Naperville, Ill.
Major/Minor: Business major, Spanish minor
Favorite quote: “Impossible is nothing” – Muhammad Ali
Student orgs: Habitat for Humanity, Catholic Student Coalition, Intramurals: wheelchair basketball, innertube water polo and sand volleyball
Favorite thing about being a CA: Having an impact on prospective students and helping their decision making process
What I want campus visitors to know about me: I love Whitewater!
Most frequently asked question on a tour: “Why is there a cemetery?”
Strangest thing that happened on a tour: I gave a tour to a group of 8th graders and all they could talk about during the entire tour was the bowling alley.

Chris Luebke
Year: Junior
Hometown: Hartland, Wis.
Major/Minor: International Business major and Water Business minor
Favorite quote: “A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men” – Willy Wonka
Student orgs: Whitewater Water Council, Order of Omega, College Republicans, Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity
Favorite thing about being a CA: I get to tell everyone why I came to Whitewater and show them the best parts of campus.
What I want campus visitors to know about me: I did a lot of research before I decided where I wanted to go to college. It’s a big decision.
Most frequently asked question on a tour: “Do guys and girls live on the same floor?” It’s usually the dads asking that.
Strangest thing that happened on a tour: On a Warhawk Premier day, there were students selling shot glasses as a fundraiser. Some of the moms were appalled, but one of the dads bought ten for his son.

Sara Watkins
Year: Junior
Hometown: Lake Zurich, Ill.
Major/Minor: Special Education major
Favorite quote: “Everything happens for a reason”
Student orgs: Best Buddies, Colleges against Cancer, Golden Key
Favorite thing about being a CA: Seeing students on tours from last year on campus the following year. It’s cool to know that I had an impact on their decision.
What I want campus visitors to know about me: I love when people ask me questions about campus and laugh at my tour jokes.
Most frequently asked question on a tour: “Which residence hall is the best to live in?”
Strangest thing that happened on a tour: On St. Patrick’s Day a student ran by the group I was giving a tour to, and he yelled something at us. We caught up to him later and he was getting arrested.

Bernie Klamecki
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Muskego, Wis.
Major/Minor: General Business major, Sociology minor
Favorite quote: “The sun also rises.” – Ernest Hemingway
Student orgs: Best buddies, Golden Key, Habitat for Humanity
Favorite thing about being a CA: Seeing a variety of different parents and students everyday and hearing what they are looking for in a campus.
What I want campus visitors to know about me: I’m an average student who goes to classes and enjoys college. I advise them to find their perfect fit in a college.
Most frequently asked question on a tour: “Is there air conditioning in the dorms?”
Strangest thing that happened on a tour: I got hit on by a group of girls when I was giving a tour. They were very flirtatious and were asking for my phone number.