Art exhibit features Lake Geneva neighbors
“Evening Quiet” by Susan Alter is a 10″ x 10″ acrylic painting on canvas that is on display as part of an exhibit highlighting work by members of the Geneva Lake Arts Foundation. The exhibition is hosted by the Whitewater Arts Alliance virtually and at the Cultural Arts Center gallery in Whitewater.
September 5, 2021
Whitewater Arts Alliance (WAA) is hosting a new hybrid art exhibition throughout the month of September.
The exhibit will showcase artists from around Lake Geneva, as well as others from Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, giving center stage to 11 total contributors. The artwork will be featured in both virtual and in-person exhibits, highlighting two-dimensional mediums such as watercolor, acrylic, colored pencil, wood carving, collages and photography.
The virtual exhibit can be accessed through the Whitewater Arts Alliance’s website from Sept. 1 – 30. The in-person exhibit will be held at the WAA gallery from Sept. 3 – 26, Friday through Sunday from 2 – 4 p.m. in the Cultural Arts Center building at 402 W. Main St.
The gallery is recommending unvaccinated individuals to wear face coverings and acknowledge practical social distancing, while vaccinated individuals are not required.
WAA is an organization that advocates for preserving Whitewater historic culture by taking local art and creating events to share it with the public. Members create programming for local children and community members to encourage their their philosophy for making Whitewater an even better place than it is already.
Gallery manager Nicole Holder is now a local to Whitewater resident and active student at the UW-Whitewater campus. She owns and operates her own individual business named Harta, that sells her own custom fine art pieces. Prints, physical art, and photographs are featured in her shop and available to purchase.
The 11 featured artists are part of the Geneva Lake Arts Foundation (GLAF), formerly known as Geneva Lake Arts Association, which was founded in 1947 in Lake Geneva.
GLAF is a volunteer non-profit organization that promotes individual artistic growth and excellence. GLAF holds community fine arts appreciation events such as this hybrid exhibition, along with monthly shows, programs, lectures, demonstrations, and workshops, which are all open and available to the public. GLAF welcomes new artists every day. Local events and more information can be found on their website.
Whitewater Arts Alliance holds a virtual archive of past exhibits that are also open to the public to view on its website anytime. The archive dates back to 2018 and also shows more recent work from 2021. WAA also assembled an event during the month of August, called the “Public Art Project ” that displayed artwork from the public. The impactful theme was “Whitewater’s Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” featuring hearts designed and decorated with personal stories and “thank yous” from during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To learn more about the featured artists in the exhibit or interested in being a part of more events like this one, visit Whitewater Arts Alliance’s website or the Geneva Lake Arts Foundation website.

Pencil sketch • Sep 7, 2021 at 2:08 am
Choose your favorite image from your device gallery or capture the real picture with your smartphone camera to create a drawing photo sketch like some of the works in the exhibit. You can set some stylish colors with neat drawing and sparkle effects. When you make a beautiful pencil sketch of your image then you feel like it’s almost a photo.